Going With The Seasons
The constant clouds sit low this time of year. Wispping around the bare branches of sleeping trees. And the landscape turns gray.
Her tendrils of brilliant red and orange leaves bounced against the colorless world. One valiant part of her resisting the winter curse.
I really loved that tree today. I loved her rebellion.
That's right, beautiful tree! Stand against the season! Fight it! Yeah!! You rock!
And I feel the Holy Spirit pressing on my heart: "It is not valiant to fight against the season. You are prizing a problem."
And I see the issue in my heart. I hold on to the past because I don't trust Him in the future.
Those beautiful remnant leaves are burning in my mind today. Praying for courage and joy. Praying to be one who dives into the new seasons. New lessons. New situations. Praying that I will trust Him.
With yesterday's candy inspiration in mind, I see that today's tree lesson is part of an ongoing theme. I see Yahweh breathing on my heart to trust Him more.
Father, I'm afraid that I'm not able to be free of my fears. Help me to let go of the past. The yesterdays that I'm clinging to. Help me to dive into today. And tomorrow. Help me to trust you.
There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NAS)