Oh Paper Towels

IMG_2215Sometimes you just need a paper towel.  Nothing else will do.We use cloth tea towels for cleaning.  We use tea towels for pretty much everything a paper towel is used for.  But every now and again, only a disposable paper towel will do.Environmentally but mostly budgetarily, paper towels are not part of our regular shopping list.  Every now and again we splurge and get some.  For the most part I'm fine if we don't have them.  Except for those special situations when only a paper towel will do.This week we really needed a paper towel.  I don't even remember why.  But I do remember that we were bemoaning our lack of glorious disposable paper towels.It's like those scratchy white sheets represent all the things I'd "like" to have but don't.  They stir up my discontent.  They embody my coveting of things.And so after we bemoaned our lack of paper towels, I bemoaned by bad attitude.  I chastised myself for not being content.  I reminded myself that the meaning of life is not based on things._ _ _On Saturday night I walked past "a moment" instead of walking into it.  There was a girl laying on the floor by an elevator while her friend stood by.  I should have stopped and helped but instead I walked by.  That is so not me.  I blew it.  I am a human that reaches out and connects with other humans.  I am not okay with walking by when I can offer help to another human.  I fell asleep with deep regret.  I woke up still wishing I could rewind time.On Sunday morning our pastor taught from the book of Ruth about the power of doing right in "moments" we walk into.Fair to say, the Holy Spirit has my attention!  I feel like I've been warned and primed:  Watch for the moments that are coming.  Be ready to walk into them!This morning I felt to give something valuable away.  We had been given a grocery gift card which I was very excited to use for Christmas.  But this morning I felt to give it to someone I barely know.  An employee at my doctor's office.  I just felt moved to give it.  So I did.  I hope they're not offended.  I hope it is a beautiful blessing.  I hope I heard from God._ _ _Blessing upon blessing arrived on our doorstep today.  Friends. Friend bearing gifts.One brought the gift of babysitting while I was at my weekly IV treatment.  Another brought an abundance of gifts for our kids for Christmas.  And another brought gifts of coconut oil, homemade turkey soup, kid birthday presents, and... paper towels. PAPER TOWELS!Nobody knows that paper towels are a big deal to me.She was quite hesitant, "I have something in my car. I feel like God told me to get it for you. But I don't know why... I don't know why you'd need these given to you... I... (sigh)... It's paper towels."Can you believe it?!  I think I laughed out loud!When I told her that I really did need paper towels, she got misty-eyed.   She had heard from God.Paper towels.  A silly reminder that our Father Yahweh knows my heart of hearts and loves me despite who I am and because of who I am.  I am embarrassed and humbled.Paper towels.  A journey of hearing God and being faithful to obey His leading.  Clearly she is being trained and equipped by the Holy Spirit!  I am inspired and encouraged.Paper towels.  The best Christmas gift ever._ _ _I am so grateful for the full-circle lesson God brought me through today.  I'm sure today is not the end of this lesson.  I'm going to have to choose to quieten my mind and heart.  To listen for Him.  And choose to say yes and obey.  He has big plans to touch people's lives.  Our choice is whether or not to be part of it.

And then I heard the voice of the Master: "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" I spoke up, "I'll go. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8)I, Paul, have been sent on special assignment by Christ as part of God's master plan. (Colossians 1:1)


Failed and Loved


Draw Near